
LLF Illinois Mitigation Program

LLF Illinois Mitigation Program

US Army Corps Authorizes In-Lieu Fee Instrument

Clean Water Act 404 Mitigation

Four Southwestern Illinois Watersheds

LL Foundation has been approved to work in 4 ecological drainage units in southwest Illinois!

The US Army Corps of Engineers approved the Final Instrument authorizing Land Learning Foundation to provide mitigation credits
under an In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Instrument for Southwestern Illinois.

The LLF program operates under the Clean Water Act, and supports land developers as well as cities, counties, and state entities needing to offset impacts to wetlands and streams (waters of the United States) under section 404 of the Act. The Corps’ announcement regarding the southwestern Illinois program is on the official mitigation portal (RIBITS) at ribits.ops.usace.army.mil.

Land Learning Foundation’s program covers four priority HUC-8 Watersheds in the State of Illinois:
1. Big Muddy River
2. Cahokia-Joachim (Illinois Portion)
3. Lower Kaskaskia River
4. Mississippi-Cape Girardeau (Illinois Portion)

LLF’s In-Lieu Fee Program details can be found HERE, and a request to purchase credits can be made on the website or by calling 888-573-2323.

LLF uses funding from 404 permit mitigation to support landowners experiencing property loss from erosion. LLF works with professionals to offer engineered solutions that stabilize streambanks, reduce soil loss, and create riparian buffers – often with little or no direct cost to landowners. Landowner support program information can be found HERE.

Illinois Counties Available:
Franklin, Jackson, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Perry,
Randolph, St. Clair, Union, Washington, and Williamson.
Along with parts of Alexander, Bond, Clinton, Hamilton,
Johnson, Macoupin, and Montgomery Counties.


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