
Nodaway River

Date:Feb 04, 2022

Land Learning Foundation (LLF) highlights our current project on the Nodaway River in both Holt and Andrew Counties in northwest Missouri. As seen from the pictures, the construction crew has been busy putting in rock weirs and longitudinal peak stone toe protection along the streambank.

This site was actively eroding prior to LLF’s project commencing early winter 2022. This project is unique as we were able to move the existing levee back, thus restoring floodplain hydrology. In addition, we are creating 8 acres of wetland habitat within the riparian corridor. Connecting the floodplain back to the river will provide habitat for aquatic species and relieve flooding downstream.

The bank stabilization project consists of 12 rock weirs ranging in length and angle to the bank, that will adjust the thalweg of the river back to the center and away from the streambank edge. In addition, the banks will be sloped to a 3:1 ratio and planted with native grasses, shrubs, forbs, and trees creating a stable bank.